E-Sword Wish List
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Please note that there is no guarantee that anything posted here will be put into a e-Sword module. This is just an general interest of what you would like to have in e-Sword.
Copyright - Nothing that is under copyright should be suggested for conversion into e-Sword format unless you personally own the copyright to the work. If you do not own it, then ask the copyright owner to place a request here. Things that are public domain can be placed here (which is what mostly should be here). In order to put this on this wish list, send me an email at dcox arroba ("a" with the circle around it) davidcox.com.mx.
Books and works you would like to see in e-Sword
What you need to give as information
- Author with birth-death dates if possible. First name or initals a must.
- Title of the work you would like. Indicate if the title is exact or a guess as best you remember. Also if you can Google it for us and find it on the Internet, place the URL where you found it so whomever works on it does not have to do that work.
- Your name/email (optional)
- The copyright status of the work you want. (PB = Public Domain) If you have a physical paper and ink book, please enter the copyright data in the front. Note that recently published books probably are not possible to convert to e-Sword, but if it is the 3rd or 10th edition, put the first edition date that maybe is out of copyright.
- Alexander Hislop Two Babylons http://philologos.org/__eb-ttb/ (1853 PB).
- Harry Ironside (1876-1851) Wrongly Dividing the Word of God http://www.gotothebible.com/HTML/wronglytoc.html
- Torrey The Fundamentals
- Torrey How to Pray
- Thomas Watson - A Divine Cordial
- Thomas Watson - A Plea for the Godly
- Thomas Watson - Art of Divine Contentment
- Thomas Watson - Beattitudes
- Thomas Watson - Christian Soldier
- Thomas Watson - Doctrine of Repentance
- Thomas Watson - Godly Man's Picture
- Thomas Watson - The Lord's Prayer
- Thomas Watson - The Ten Commandments
- Adam Clarke - Entire Santification CCEL.Org
Modules that are being worked on
If you want to undertake module creation, then edit this page and move the module you want to work on from the above category to this category. Please supply us with at least your name, and if possible an email address so that others can get in touch with you. Please place the date that you started working on it, and estimated date when you think it will be done. Ex. 1/21/07 Est 1 month. If you abandon the work (which is okay), please return here and move the request back up to the above category. Thanks.
- Chafer - He that is spiritual in Spanish.
- Cox, David - Trinidad spanish.
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