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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

 -I- Authors

 e-Sword.net modules

Go to my personal website page for working links: http://www.davidcox.com.mx/e-swordmodules/topicsI.htm


Ironside, H A - Baptism What Saith The Scripture.zip in E-sword

Baptism What Saith The Scripture.zip in lucid78's Other Stuff

Ironside, Harry - The 400 Silent Years.top

The 400 Silent Years by Harry Ironside.top in Ric 1.0

Note that this page is a mirror of http://www.davidcox.com.mx/eswordmdules/topicsI.htm 

[BAD LINK] For bad links on this page, note that the original page with the module has a space character in the URL. When I paste it here, pbwiki.com transforms all space charac ters into "+" and that corrupts the link. You can either click on the link to my website to see a good link, or cut and paste the link into the URL bar at the top of your browse, look for the +'s and replace them with " " (space). 


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