
C Authors For Topics Modules


Chafer, Sperry Lewis - Major Bible Themes


Chafer - Major Bible Themes - (1871-1952) This is a doctrines book by Professor Lewis Sperry Chafer. It has 49 chapters.


Clarke, Adam - Christian Theology


Clark, Adam - Christian Theology - Adam Clarke (wrote a famous commentary set that is included in e-Sword default set up). (1851) 36 chapters on Major doctrines which include: Scriptures, God, Attributes of God, Trinity, Man, Christ, Repentance, Faith, Justification, Regeneration, Holy Spirit, Entire Sanctification, Moral Law, Public Worship, Prayer, Praise, Christian Church, Baptism, Lord's Supper, Husband and Wife, Parents and Children, Masters and servants, Rulers and Subjects, Rich and Poor, Ministers and People, Good and Bad Angels, Temptations, Affictions, Providence, Apostacy, Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven, General Principles, Miscellaneous [Knowledge, Happiness, Communion of Saints, Fasting, Conscience, Dancing, Dress, Dreams, Ghosts, Tobacco, Wesley, Methodism, Shetland Isles, Sunday Schools, Schism, Lust of Power, Political Party Spirit, Friendship, Flattery, Self-Interest, Going to Law, Suretyship, Usury, Slavery, Parable, Miracle, Millennium, Time.] I believe Clarke was Wesleyian-Methodist.